Wednesday, September 05, 2007

1st Week

Well this is week 1 of school. The boarding students arrived on sunday. This week all the student missionary's have had to be on duty in the afternoon's. I have morning shift twice this week. This requires me to get up in time to start waking the guys in yr8/9 at 6:50am. We than have to go to the dining hall and mark off all who have attended breakfast. If they didn't attend they are told to stay in their rooms all afternoon without being allowed the use their computer. Some of the guy students have already missed 2 breakfasts and it is only been 4 days into the school year.
If we have any students that are sick we have to put their name on a sick list which then is put into the staffroom in the school building. If the students require a doctor, we have to drive them to the nearest doctor.
We have had one guy leave also. I'm not sure why he left but it may have been because he was home sick.
Tomorrow its my b'day. First time away from home. I will have to work on my birthday. I'm not able to get it off. We are going on a hike. The hike is split into classes. I am hiking with the 10 klasse. We have to meet infront of the girls dorm where we will be picked up and taken to some location and will have to hike to the camp ground. On the way we will have to do some activities. The hike will be something like an orienteering course.
Tonight we have an activity they call star games. This is a whole lot of games set up around the school and the students will go out each one and have to participate in the activity. This maybe something such as throwing hoops, obstical course, etc. Mine has got something to do with flying water. Hopefully I don't have to get wet. :) But by the sounds of it, its going to be something like water balloons. I'll find out.

Well it is now time for the students to do their cleaning duty(pligt).
Cya's all later.

Anthony :)

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