Wednesday, September 05, 2007

2nd week

It's now coming upto the end of the second week of school. On the weekend we have "survival camp". All the students from boarding school and some of the day students went on the camp. We had around 230 students there between the ages of 14-20. All the students in klasse 8-1g all had to hike on friday to the camp site. This consitted of walk then a bus trip for the klasse 8/9 and a bus then walk for the klasse 10/10g/1g. I was with the klasse 10. We started out with the klasse 10g becuase we got dropped off at the same time.
This was good because I had another student missionary(Crista) to talk to. The walk was split up by 8 activities. We had to walk to each of them finishing up at the campsite. The first part we got kinda lost. Crista and I were put incharge of the map. The thing is there was no legend or scale. During the first part we missed a turn that we were meant to take but somehow we got back on the track that we were meant to have taken but was heading in the wrong direction. After walking for a few minutes we worked things out and heading back to where we were meant to be going.
We finally got to the first activity. This was to be tied together in a line, in groups of 7. The students then had to walk to the next activity tied together. this was interesting since we had to walk through one of the hilliest parts of Denmark.
At the second activity the students were untied. They had 2 minutes to fill buckets up with the most water using plastic shopping bags. The most water put into the buckets was about 80 litres, but not to sure.
The third activity the students were split into cows and herders. The cows had to be herded along a road and not get stolen by a group of theives. We didn't do good on this one.
At the forth activity the students had to collect a number of different kinds of leaves and say wait the name of the tree was that it came from. Well thats what it looked like anyway.
Next was the fifth activity. This was great. The cows were given this long thin piece of licorice(i think) that looked like hollow spagetti pasta and they had to see how many they could eat in 2 mins. I was hungry by this time so I asked the people in charge if I could have one. One of them said no but another sneaked me one. :P I was happy. The licorice was good. not salty like the other licorice I have tried here.
After the fifth we walked on to the sixth. We got to this road the looked like it led to private property one way and a car park the other. The map told us to go the the private property. The students wanted to go to the car park. We did go towards the private property like the map said and followed the route just to find out that we came out 300m from where we were before after walking 1km. The students weren't happy.
When we got to the sixth activity, we had to answer bible questions. This was good, though the questions said in danish so I needed someone to translate for me. The first question that I answered was about how many people visited Abraham to tell him that Sarah was going to have a child. I said 2 but the answer was 3. It was better than was what the kids were saying but not correct. A few of the other questions I did get correct but the students still needed to make a choice whether to trust my answers.
Once the quiz was finished a student came up to me and asked if I was a priest(pastor). I said no and asked why he thought I was. He said that I knew the bible so he thought I was.
The walk the seventh activity was nice. We walked through one grassland and a bit of forrest to an island in the middle of a lake.
The seventh activity the students had to play a game where the activity organisers throw paper balls at them and if they got hit they were out. Once the first few paper balls were thrown the students were able to throw them back at the organisers to get them out before they were all out. The students won. The prize was a lolly each.
The walk to the eigth activity was very short. About 500m. This activity the students were split into cows and herders again. The herders had to carry the cows 100m. This was done over a hill. Whilst we were doing this activity one of the female students hurt their knee. This was bad because we still had around 3km to walk to camp. We did have a small village about 1 km infront of us though.
Two of the boys helped the girl walk but it was taking to long. I ended up putting her on my back and carried her to the village. I di have to stop a few times because my arms were getting sore. Once we got to the village we were greeted by the bus, which was great. It meant we didn't have to walk the rest of the way.
On friday night, I was greeted by a couple of the students from the higher grades wishing me a happy birthday. This was great since I wasn't home. Whilst grabbing a plate of food from the kitchen area one of the girls that knew it was my birthday started singing happy birthday to me and another 50-70 people joined in. This isn't what I expected.
Once I finished my tea, I headed over to the fire to warm up alittle and talk to some of the students just to have more students sing happy birthday to me but this time in danish.
As the sun was setting, we all went into the big tent for andagt(worship). This was fun because some of the students don't like going and others had gone off and were exploring the area. I had to go find them and get them to go to the tent.
At the end of the meeting I walked away to go get my jumper, then i hear my name being called through the speakers and then a bit of danish. One of the students that saw me head off quickly got me and told me that I needed to go up the front. So I did. Once there they all, 230 students plus staff started singing happy birthday. I didn't know what to do. Do I stand there and sing? I didn't get a cake or anything but I did get lots of people wishing me a happy birthday.
On saturday, the sm's had to do a skit on regection. The skit was about us learning danish. We had a danish sm tell us a word and we repeat it. One of the things we had to say was "jeg hedder" then your name. So we said "Jeg hedder then your name". That means "My name is" if you haven't worked it out. After that we had a "new student" join our danish class and we had to say "Rød grød med fløde" which is extremely hard to say. The "new student" could say it but none of us other students could. The class finished then we went to football training and the "new student" needed a position on the team. His position was defence but that had already been taken by another student. So we suggested water boy but he didn't like that. Then we left him and the teacher on the stage. Then the new student was left by himself because he was also regected by the teacher.
All the kids enjoyed the skit. They thought the part about learning danish was really funny. After the skit we had a talk by the caplain.

In the afternoon we spent the time playing football and had a canoeing race across the lake and back. After tea we played capture the flag, toasted marshmellows and watched pink panther.
Sunday was pack up. I got to teach the kids the emu walk to tidy up the camp site.

The rest of the week, we finally got our rosters so we now know when we are meant to be working and which weekends we are working. I have got weekend duty this weekend. So it is going to be interesting.

Today was my day off. I got to finally relax and enjoy my self doing my own thing and leave everything up to one of the other sm's. Today I went for a swim down at the fjord and then a run with the students for extra sports. Then I drove into Vejle to a large department store called Bilka to buy some supplys for the canteen. I also drove some of the students to Hedersted so they could buy themselves some pizza.

Well thats my second week for yas. Hope you enjoyed reading. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENZ. Hope you got my msg and I didn't wake you up. :P

View on the hike.

10 and 10g Klasse at the first activity
10G Klasse
Students in my groups doing one of the activities.
Huge Ants nest

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