Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 5

Hey all

This weekend we had a bible study on friday, like every week. The bible study is with the other sm's. This is great. It allows us time to chill out before the weekend duty starts.
On Saturday we had an english sermon for church in the morning. That was great. I understood everrything. In the afternoon, we went to Aarhus to the Cafe church. That was good. They had good music and it was a very warm and inviting place. The coffee wasn't to bad either. When we got back the 2 SM's on duty were playing a game whilst walking along the front of the hovedbygning(main building). I walked past them to get some tea but they called me over and I joined them. What we were doing was walking from one end of the path to the other and then doing something that one of us had thought of. Some of the things we did were:
cluck like a chicken whilst spinning around and waving our wings
run into a pile of dirt
pretend to swim on top of picnic tables
walk through a rose bed with out getting caught in the thorns
be a balerina
eat a rose
spin around 20 times then run
wheel barrow walk someone
leap frog race
and a couple more.
In the evening some SM's watched movies whilst the students watched the football(soccer) match between Denmark and Sweden(0-0).
Sunday I went to Juelsminde with some of the sm's. While we were there we went for a walk along the wharf got an icecream, studied some danish, and swam in some nice and cold water at the so called beach.
When I got back from the beach I came back to a room covered in toilet paper and cornflakes spralled across my bed under my doona. I left it because I went to Vejle with the SM's to get a movie to watch that night. When I got back I cleaned it up and then went to have tea. After tea, I come back to my room just to find out that my room has been toilet papered and cornflaked again. this time I had cornflakes on my window sill, at my door, in my cupboard, in my bed on my clean sheets.
Monday I have wake up. I did it for Leroy because he is going to take a few of my shifts while I am in Aus. I spent the whole day learning danish. I had danish class from 8:45 til 10:20. After class Jenny(sm) and I spent the rest of the day trying to do the homework.
Tuesday. For extra sports the teacher that organises it told me that the "Run and Go" group needs to go further. Today we jogged and walked 10km in 1 1/2hrs. It was very long. On Thursday I hope to go faster.
I got into a food fight. I got hit for being an inicent by stander. So I got them all back. I had apple crumble and cream all over my face and neck. I didn't come out of the fight to scaffed. One of the pige had apple crumble in her hair, on her face, in her ears. Now I just have to wait and see if my room gets attacked.
Wednesday. I had a sick student in my dorm during the night. He was throughing up. During the night they came to wake me up but they must have been really quiet I didn't wake up at all. The student ended up going home wednesday afternoon. The female sm slept in on Wednesday. At 7:30 I went to find out if she was awake and to wake her up because none of the 8/9 klasse pige were going to breakfast. The afternoon most of the students went to Vejle to go shopping. This a a regular thing they do on Wednesdays. The students left behind get to do whatever they want.
I had andagt(evening worship). What I did was let the guys ask me questions about myself that they would like to know. Some of the questions were:
How tall are you,
Where in Australia do you come from
What type of school did you go to
Are you a virgin(what the???). Yes I did answer it.
Do you have a girlfriend.
Do you miss your family
Why did you choose Denmark.
How much danish can you speak
what are your hobbies
I did also tell them things about my background with the church and being a christian.
Thursday. It was my day off. I woke up around 9am. I had planned on cleaning the school van(bamse pronounced bumsa). When I had booked it to be clean I found it gone. So I searched the school it see if it was still on site. It was. I found it up next to another building. So I started cleaning it. I got the inside looking kinda clean. Alot better than it was before I started. Now all I have to do is the outside. In the afternoon I talked to some of the sm's and I made my self a nice big fruit salad and yogurt. It was very nice fruit salad. After that I tried to help a guy fix his computer. In the evening after dinner I went for a swim and got back just in time to listen to the end of andagt(worship). After that I had Choir. Yes thats right choir. I joined the choir on thursday singing bass. After that I helped out a pige with her english homework. Then mooved some tables from the kirken(church) to the hovedbygning(main building).

Well thats my crazy week so far. Today I leave to go on the "boys weekend" trip. This is going to be fun and interesting. I'll post some pics up of it when I get back on sunday.
Hope you all have a great weekend.l


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