Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Taking a walk through Copenhagen

Well, today has been a fun day. I woke up as 5am to find it all cloudy. So far the weather has been like Melbourne. It's changed from being sunny to cloudy/stormy/raining about 10 times. When you just take your rain coat off it will start spitting of it will bucket down.
So far I have spent the day in the city and walked a 'tourist' trail. It basicly takes you through the city. I'll put pics up of it once I get to the school and I fix my computer. For some reason it doesn't want to connect to my phone.
I checked out a few churches and castles in the city. Once I had finished the 'tourist trail' I went to Christiania. Christiania is basicly like Nimbin but you can legally buy weed. The problem with buying it is you can't take it out of Christiania. But then again I donæt have that problem. I'm looking at going back there on sunday to buy some souvernoirs.
Hope everything is good in Aus. Catchups later.

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