Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Church Service in Dk

Yesterday was sabbath so I went to church. The church that I went to was Ebenezer SDA church. The service was all in Danish. They did have an interpretter available. After the service we had lunch at church. We all sat outside because it was nice and sunny. But, like everyother day so far it rained on us, so we went into the hall and finished lunch.
While I was there I got to meet a couple of girls that were students at Vejlefjord skolen. They told me what to expect and a few things about the place. They also tried to teach me a bit of danish and how to pronounce Vejle, which I am still having trouble with.
By the time I left church yesterday it was 16:00. I went back to the hostel to get a little bit of sleep but ended up walking around the lake just outside the hostel. I got the see a birds. There was a group of ducklings that were cute. They were all huddled up and sleeping. I did get a pic of it. I'll put it up later.

Well today I am off to Roskilde to go camping with the VHS8 Spejder Trop. I'll be camping for a week so you won't here from me until I get to the school.

This is the school.

1 comment:

neil.frances said...

Hi Anthony We have just receive notice of your blog so haven't read it all yet. Trust you are having a great experience.