Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hey. I arrived at the school on Sunday after being on spejderlejr (pathfinder camp). Over the last week I have been camping on a persons farm on a peninsula near a town called Roskilde. At the camp I got to meet a few of the older students and a few current ones. Some of the things we did at the camp were water skiing, rock climbing, canoeing, kayaking. One of the jobs I had to do while I was at camp was lifeguard duty. This required me to be at the water from 2pm-6pm. On the days I was down there I got sun burnt and tanned. I am going to be darker when I come back in Sept.

One of the things that I liked at the camp was building the kitchen, table and "sofa's". The sofas were these 3 chairs made from fish nets. All the structures we made from pine logs. We had to tie them all together with rope. The club got marked on how neat and strong there knots were. One of the things that really surprised me was the fact that the pathfinders were climbing up these structures that they had made that were about 5m in the air to tie the knots with out any type of safety equipment.

Since arriving at the school I have had 2 1/2 days to relax and sort out my own things. This was great to be able to do. I got a chance to call a few people and say hi.
One of the things that I didn't like about having the time to sit and relax is that there were students that have come to the school to earn money working outside and all I see out my window are the students pushing around mop and buckets, gardening, cleaning the buildings, etc. whist I am here in my room reading emails and surfing the internet. By Tuesday lunch time I had enough. I asked one of the workers in charge if there was anything I could do. He got me to help him tidy up dead trees in the forest and stack it all up, and also chop drop a couple blackberry bushes.

In the forests around the school I have found a few wild fruit trees. Some of them are plums, blackberry's, rose buds, apples, pears.

Wednesday I had my first official day of work. It all started with a meeting then we went to the dorms and had a meeting with the man head deans. After that we went through the boys dorm and made a check list of everything that needed to be fixed and that was missing from the rooms.

Tomorrow I have more work that needs to be done but it will be in a different building fixing and moving things.

Here are some of my pics I have taken so far. Hope you enjoy them.
Castle Copenhagen
This is one of the castles found in copenhagen.
I saw this car and thought it was weird.
2dr golf
This was a nice 2dr golf i liked.
Church Steeple
This is one of the churches in Copenhagen.
family of Swans
A family of swans
Boats in the harbour
Check out the cruiser
Check out the cruiser
Little Mermaid
The little mermaid
buskers at the little mermaid
Musicians busking.
Check out the weird bass like instrument.
Oprah House
Oprah House
Copehagen Canal
Copenhagen Canal
Arch way
Old wooden sailing ship
Sailing ship
The danish goods
Some Danish goods.
more danish goods
Mazda 323
veiw from hostel
View from Hostel
The ducklings were next to the pond near the hostel.
The yellow building is the hostel
Sunset Spejderlejyr
This is a pic of the sunset the first night at spejderlejr
this is the structure we built for our table.
We fix 30 people around it.
The finishes structure was covered by the tarp.
Sunset at spejderlejr
This is the field we were camping on.
Landscape around Spejderlejr.
The white tent to the right is where we had our worship meetings.

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