Thursday, September 06, 2007

4th week coming to an end

Hey all. This week has been good. I had the weekend off, which was great. On Friday we had to students that have cleaning duties together and they didn't want to get along at all. I talked to one of them and this student just didn't know what he was doing that made the other one scared. Now they are friends and no longer work together.
We had a new male SM, named Leo, arrive on friday. Now we have got 9 sm's. the new sm is from America but lived most of his childhood in Switzerland. He will be taking over Leroy, a sm from last year, when he leaves in November.
Also on friday, all the SM's had worship. My part was to do the welcome. I chose to try it in danish. This is what I tried to say. "Hej, Welcome to aftens andagt. Aftens andagt will be taken by the student missionaerers." I think it worked but I am not sure.
On saturday it was the Jubilae(Reunoin) for all the old students. We had a the choir sing for us during the church service. In the afternoon we sat around and talked. In the evening we watched a movie down in Einstein (the movie/pool room/canteen area) in the basment of the drenge bygning(boys building). I also called up my dad for fathers day. I also called my aunty and grandparents.
On sunday we had two students go home because a member of the family's past away. Both with in 1 1/2hrs apart from each other. One of the students is back already. The other student is meant to be back at school tomorrow(friday).
On sunday it was a lazy day. Since I wasn't on duty I didn't wakeup until 11am. Just intime for brunch. The rest of the day I was inside the pige bygning(girls building) or drenge bygning either watching movies or talking because it was a very miserable day. All cloudy and raining.
For the rest of the week, we had ADRA(Adventist Developement and Relief Agency) Appeal. The students get a choice to go on the appeal or go to school. Most of the students go on the appeal. The appeal ran on monday and tuesday. I drove some of the students to Juelsminde, a small town at the end of the fjord. Whilst the students were doing the appeal I got time to go wonder around Juelsminde. Below are some of the pics I took whilst I was there. The day was very windy and not to warm. I did go for a quick dip at the beach though. The water was like it is at Bega/South Coast during autumn. You have to go numb before you can swim. The only problem is there wasn't any waves to dive under and body surf.
Monday I received a parcel. It was great. It felt like christmas. Not knowing what was in the parcel.

During the rest of the week it has been the same as every other week. I've had a few late nights.
The hot water got shut off in the 3 main dorm buildings due to a leak in the pipes. We currently have around 130 students that don't have access to a hot shower in their dorms. They have to go over to the school building and shower in the changerooms. This has been really bad because I can't have a hot shower as well because I live on one of these buildings. Today I did get a nice hot shower though. One of the houses at the school is used for girls boarding. The female sm's have their own bathroom in the house so I got to use it after not having a shower for 2 days due freezing cold water. Hopefully the pipes are all fixed up by the weekend.
On Wednesday night I planned my trip I am doing over Oct break. I am going to ride from the school upto the most northern point of Jutland which is about 450km. I have 10 days to do this. I have got a couple of the guy sm's interested in joining me on the trip which will be great. I don't know how I would got riding 450km by myself or be able to push my self when I need the encouragment.
Thursday(today), I woke up nice and late(11am) after staying up until 3am watching a movie. I was woken up by a phone call. I had an unplanned meeting to go to. The meeting was about taking worships. I have got 2 worships before I leave for Aus and 1 when I get back. The rest of my day I walked around taught Vanessa, a sm from Aus, how to drive on the right handside of the road and a manual car at the same time. Leroy got her to drive after I taught her to a town called Hedersted about 15km from the school. He told me to tell his folks he loves them and that he had fun whilst he was in DK. :P The afternoon I went with the "run and go(walk)" group during extra sports. I lost a few students but they did get back. I watched another movie. Then I am here now writing in my blog to all you people out there reading it.

I really hope it is interesting to read. You'll have to let me know if I am boring you all to death.
Well I'll catchya's all next time. Check out the link to MV7 Design. It is Marios(an SM from mexico) photo album. He has got some really good pics of us, the students and the scenery around the school.

Yuelsminde Ocean
House in Juelminde
Canal in Yuelsminde
Wharf in Juelsminde

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetheart. You aret boring us. If you do that is there problem . It is reference for you to look back on. the pictures are great. Keep up the good work. Just as I said befroe becareful of thoses girls Grandma