Wednesday, September 05, 2007

3rd Week

Well its coming to the end of the third week.
This week I had weekend duties. This meant that I was on duty from friday afternoon til sunday midnight. We did get a break on either friday/saturday night and worked for around 5hrs on sunday by myself. On the weekends I found it to be great. Most of the students go home. Last weekend we had water activities which was kayaking or water slide. I did the water slide. It was great. It was about 25m-50m long all soapy. To go faster we used black garbage bags that we put holes in for our arms and head and put it on like a shirt. With the garbage bag on we were going alot faster and further. We got atleast 8m off the tarps we were using as the slide. This we did on saturday afternoon.
On friday night we had 2 students which are a couple decide to go for a wander away from the school. We searched their rooms and the near by rooms to see if they were there. After looking around the school for 30mins we stopped looking. At 10pm one of the students that had permission to leave to school for the evening came back and said that they had seen the to people we were looking for and that they were in the guys dorm. The head dean that was on duty for the weekend went up to the dorm to talk to them. He didn't find them in the lounge area, so he went to the guys room to see if he was in their. When the dean opened the door, he was greeted with the guy standing in his underwear with his girlfriend in his bed. They said that they were tired because they went on a long walk. But we just never understood why if they were only going to "sleep" why didn't the girl go to her room and sleep in her bed?
Saturday night. It was great. All the sm's went to a nearby town called Horsens. There they had a Medievil festival. The whole town centre had been recreated into little shops made from logs with tanbark laid down on the roads. There were lots of shops selling little souvernoirs to full outfits and costumes, Ivory tusks to toffee apples. One of the things I really liked was the music and the fire throwers. One of the fire goes showed how they use to remove body hair back in the day. He burnt all the hairs off of his arms, chest, back, underarms, and even down below. Well all we saw was him putting the flame torch down his pants and smoke coming out. Another thing I liked about the medievil festival was hats. They had tall pointy ones, princess ones, metal solders helmets, and everything inbetween.
These two students were both sent home on monday for a week because of what they did on friday. Now they may not be allowed to return to the school. The school board has to decide on Monday. The girl didn't want to be here anymore on the weekend, but the guy does want to stay.

On sunday it was really good. In the morning I took one of the female sm's to the train station because she was going to Copenhagen for the night to a farewell party for one of her friends. I dropped her off first thing in the morning. Then for the rest of the day I sat out side read a book, ate, flew a kite, and then just lounged around until I was on duty again at 8pm. Sundays are great because you don't have to organise anything for the students. They study, go play football, relax in the sun(if there is some and not raining), sit and talk.

During this week I have had a very up and down week. On monday it was a very bad day. First I was woken up by one of the students playing very loud music at 7:30am so I took his speakers off him. Also one of the klasse 8 boys got on my nerves and wouldn't listen to anything I asked and told him to do. This was from doing his cleaning duty in the boys dorm and mucking around during study time. By the end of the day I had had enough of him. I called home to talk to mum about it. And it was great.
The rest of the week has been quite good. Yesterday(thursday) was my day off so I lounged around and did my own thing. I watching 4 movies, went into town to get afew things and thats about it.
Now it times for me to get out of bed and get ready for the rest of the day.
Hope you all have a great weekend and a happy sabbath.

Sunset at the top of the school
Reunoin of all students before the 80's
Couple of pige(girls)
Me getting a massage.


Anonymous said...

who's the masseuse?
great pictures
keep adding pictures it gives me a better idea of the place.
new jumper?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I deleted the first post as my spelling was bad as I didnt read it first.
I said how handsome you look in the photo also the young lady looks like she is enjoying doing it. Also the tan suits you. I had to look twice at the photo,as you look that good ahahahah.Love Grandma