Saturday, November 03, 2007

Wk 12

Well its the end of the week. Well it is actually 0043 Saturday morning and I am writing this a bit late. I would normally write my entries on Thursday night not Friday.
This week. I had weekend duty on the weekend. That was good. On Saturday we had a Broget festival. It is a concert where the students would either sing or play an item. Some of the items were the choirs(big and small), couple of groups singing, a rap, instrumental by flute.
On Sunday I had the morning shift. This meant unlocking the door to hovedbygning(Head Building). When I went to unlock the door I did it at 630, but daylight savings finished that night so I found out that I opened it at 530. After opening it I went back to bed and slept for a few more hours. That night I also talked with one of the student about some things that had been troubling them. It did end up me doing most of the talking though.
Monday was another Monday. Had Danish class at 845. NICE and EARLY. And the rest of the day was normal. I got a question from one of the students that I have had trouble answering. I haven't answered yet because I am researching into in.
Tuesday I went swimming in the morning and also in the afternoon. I swam 2.6km that day. I also took my first English tutoring classes. I tutor 1 guy in 6 class and different people in 9 class. In 6 class the students had made a puppet show and had to perform it to the 3 class. The 9 class we watched October Sky.
Wednesday. I was going to go for a ride with Leroy and Chris but the weather was miserable. I ended up helping Leroy for a couple of hours build a room for a cinema in the older guys building(Scraenten). I talked to another student about a few things that was troubling them and said that if they just wanted to talk about it that I was here for them.
Thursday. I cleaned one of the guys bathrooms. It was gross. It hadn't been cleaned since the start of the year. There was black mould and grim everywhere. It's still dirty but cleaner then it was before.
Friday. I had a talk with one of the students I counselled during the week. I also taught a couple of students english. They were doing a review on the movie they watched during the week, October Sky. After class I had to take a student into Vejle to see a doctor. He was there for a couple of hours so I took two other students with me and we went window shipping. I did buy some stuff though. I got a toy giraffe(its a nickname I've been given from Leo) and a beany.
Friday night the SM's had the Vespers program. I played bass finally after 4months of not playing it. It was great. The weekend Vagt(head dean) said I looked liked I was rocking away. After Vespers most of the student missionaries went to Pia's(THE BOSS) house and we talked to her husband about a few things that were troubling us spiritually and were having trouble finding the answers. He is a pastor. WE spent a few hours there. Got back nice and late. Around 2330 I think it was.

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