Saturday, November 24, 2007

Choir Weekend

Last weekend we had a choir weekend where the choir practices all the songs for the big choir trip later in the year. the place we went to was Himmerlandsgården. It is the Adventist camping ground for Denmark.
One Friday night we left at around 1730 to go to the Himmerlandgården. On the way I wrote up the list weekend duty's for the students. I had a couple other students there to help me out.
When we got to Himmerlandgården, we found our rooms and had 15-20mins to unpack our bags and be in the first choir session. The first choir session was good. We sang a couple of Danish songs and an English song. During the weekend we had a total of 6 choir sessions I ended up only attending 3 of them.
On saturday night we played a few games. One of the games was a clothes changing game. What you had to do was have 4 people in a group and you had to change into each others clothes until you finally got your own. So there was 2 teams and the first people on the teams would head out to 2 different rooms and take their clothes off. All except their underwear. Then they would put on a garbage bag and run back to the group. The next person would then run into the room and take their clothes off and put the first persons clothes on. The third person would then run out and put the second persons clothes on and the fourth person would put the thirdth persons clothes on and so on. This was until they all have their own clothes on.
I had to play this game they lined me up with short people. It was not the best.
A few of the other games were blindfolding people and getting them to find out which one is the person they are after. There were a few more but can't quite remember what they are.
On sunday we had a choir session in the morning then we packed up and went back to the school.

For more pics checkout

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