Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wk 14

Last weekend it was the Netparty(Lan party). The guys were playing computer games from 2130 saturday night till 630 sunday morning.
On the weekend I went to North Jutland(NordJyland). One of the 3G students had a 18th b'day party and 4 sm's went to it. We left at 1100 on saturday morning and arrived at her parents house at 1330. Just in time for lunch. We had a big birthday lunch. That was good.
During the afternoon we played a few games. One was a game where the seat you are sitting on at the start has been given your name and you have to get to the top seat. The other game we played was you have a circle and there is one person in the middle with a newspaper and the rest of the people are sitting down. What you'd do is have one person sitting down call out a name of someone in the group and the person with the newspaper has to try to hit that person before they say another name.
We left after dinner and headed back to the school. We got back at 2130. This gave me 3 hrs before I had to go on duty for the netparty. We had to have a sm on duty to supervise and just be there if something went wrong. That night I watched Topgear, Bionic Woman, and a bit of Heroes. It was a late one. By the time I got to bed it was around 730-800 sunday morning.
Sunday I slept until around 1330. I went and got some food then went to the pool where all the students were. I went back to bed at 1830 but didn't sleep until 2000. I woke up at around 2330 just in time for mum to call me. The call was good.
Monday. I slept in late. It was good. We didn't have danish class so I could sleep in on a monday. I was on duty for only a few hours because I got a cold over the weekend. The head dean that was on duty gave me some herbal pills to take. They made feel alot better and by wednesday I was better. I still do have the cold.
Tuesday. I had english tutoring in the morning. After lunch, I finely got all my papers and bank account all organised. Now I have to wait for my tax number to come in and my bank card. In the afternoon I had swimming for extra sport. Vanessa wasn't able to be at extra sport because one of her friends had come and visited on their way around the world trip. Late Tuesday night we had our first snow fall. It wasn't much but it was decent size snow flakes. In the morning there was some snow 1cm deep on road and grass. It was packy though. And now it is all gone.
Wednesday I had wake up duty and then had danish classes. After danish I helped out Leroy building the horse fence. I was on duty again from 1430 by myself. From 1430 till 1700 it is boring being on duty. There is nothing to do and not many students are at school. They get to go into Vejle on a weekly trip and thats what they do during that time. That night I supervised the 9th klasse do their homework.
Thursday it was my day off. I worked on the horse fence again. Did extra sport again in the swimming hall. Then I was off duty. Vanessa, her friend, Crista and I went out for a hot drink later that night. I was really good getting away for a couple of hours.
Friday. I had another english tutoring class. After that I packed my bag to go away on choir weekend.

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