Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week 11 - Students Back at School for another term

This week the students returned from ferie.
On Friday night I went to Adrian and Sussannes home for dinner and a chat with three of the SM's and another Aussie working as in the maintenance dept. The sm's that were here on the weekend were Leo, Mario, Mariana(new from Russia) and myself. Friday night was great. We got to chill out for a bit and enjoy the night with some friends.
On Saturday, I had a bit of a lazy day. I got up around 9 and talked to mum on MSN and ate breakfast also. I didn't go to church in the morning because I had organised to go to the Cafe' church in Aarhus. All the people that went to Adrian and Sussannes home the night before also went to the cafe church. I was the only one in the group that had been there before. The others really enjoyed it. At the end of the service the past announced that he would do an english once a month. That would be really good for when the SM's go there.
One Sunday all the students arrived. I had most of the day to relax which I did. A few of the older students and the girls from the folbold team arrived early sunday morning. They did there own thing so that was great. The rest of the students started arriving after 1530. We only had half of the students up until 2130. The rest came on the school bus from Vejle.
Monday was the first day back at school and my first shift for the term. I started to be a little more strick compared to last term. During the day some of the students needed there doors opened because they gave their key to one of the other students in the school. I told them that they needed to go find their room mate or the person with their key. One of the other things I have been doing is getting the guys to be in bed at the time they are meant to be there not start going to bed at that time.
I got my bike also on monday. I got a call from the shop saying that it arrived. I had been waiting for 2 1/2 months for my bike to arrive. It was meant to arrive mid sept but it was put back to mid oct. On sunday I am thinking about going for a big ride along the fjord when I have free time.
On Tuesday we moved ekstra idraet(extra sports) indoors. The sports that the students are allowed to do are swimming, swiss ball, aerobics, Fitness/weights,and folbold. I have been put put down as a helper for folbold on tuesdays and swimming on thursdays.
On wednesday we went to Legoland. That was great fun. JEG ER SPAENDT!!!! I AM EXCITED!!! Well I was that day. It was great fun. When you walk in through the entrance you are led straight to the model area. This was the part where they had models of cities and landscapes around europe and the world. First thing we did was walk through there and have a look. After that we split up and went in small groups around the place. Mario, Leroy and I all went on the monorail to have a look at what was there. Next we met up with Leo and went up the tower and got another perspective of what was in the theme park. After that we headed to the roller coasters. They have 2 roller coaster rides there. One was a multi carriage train and the other was a 4 seater car. They were both really good. After those we went on the raft. This was fun. We all got wet on this one but it was different levels of wet. After this we went to this other ride which is a fire engine race. You have a race between 8 teams and you have to get to the other end and put out the fire then come back. Since there was 4 of us we split into 2 teams. It was Leroy and Mario vs Leo and me. Leroy and Mario won that one. After that we went to this robot ride. It is that robotic arm that you sit in. When you get to the gate you are given a card to 2 people. You get to choose what level you want to go on and what maneuvers the arm should make. After that we all met up and had lunch. After lunch we all went to the fire engine one again. We had guys vs the girls. The guys won. :P Next we all went back to the robotic arm. Then we went to the raft. This time in the raft we had 6 SM's. It was absolutely full. This was really good. We went around twice. After that we split up again and the guys went and got some survenoirs whilst the girls went on the roller coaster. We all met up in the shop. For our final ride we all went on the Canoe ride. This we had 2 groups of 4. The Canoe went around this water maze and when it got to the end it went done this big slide and made a huge splash. We went back through with all the guys in one. There was 5 of us in it. When we got to the slide we were all dripping. My shoes were soaking wet. This was the end of Legoland. When we went out the front we got a picture of us all there. Check out MV7design link on the right soon for some pics of legoland. They aren't up yet but I will get Mario to post them soon.
When we left Billund it was around 1600. we have 1 hour to get back to the school in time for work. It was abit frustrating because all the cars in front of us were very slow. When we were driving out of Vejle we over took the bus with the students coming back from Vejle. That was good. Meant we weren't going to be late. :P
Thursday well thats today. Well it was today. No it should be yesterday since I am writing this at 0030 Friday morning. Well I went to fill in some paperwork for health card in denmark. Once I get this it means I can get free health checks. Once I got back I got my paycheck. I was excited when I received it. Since I worked at the school last week I got lots of money this pay. This will be great for when I go away this christmas. I got paid $3000dkk after getting an advance of $1500dkk on Tuesday.

Farvel. Hope everything is going well for you.

Here is a few links to pics I have taken so far.
Pics of my room
Danish Sunset
My room when I got back from Aus
Pics from Copenhagen Trip the weekend I arrived back in Denmark after being in Aus
Flight back to Denmark
Trip to Aus
Friends in Denmark
Spejderlejr or Pathfinder Camporee for Denmark
First few days in Denmark

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