Friday, November 09, 2007

Week 13

This week has gone really quickly.
I went for a ride after lunch on Saturday with Leroy and Chris. we went along the fjord to a town called Juelsminde (yules/mina). That was good. It was my first descent ride since I got my bike.
On Sunday I burnt burnt some of the trees left over from the holidays. Leroy finished it off that afternoon with the help of some students. I did lifeguard duty also. That was good I had 4 students in the pool to watch. I ended up swimming with them.
Monday I got a call at 715 to see if I could help out in the kitchen. I did. I washed the dishes from 730-900 and 1130-1300. That afternoon I helped Leroy put up a fence around one of the fields for the horses. After dinner we had an impromptu first aid class. We got told that the class was on at 1800 and it was 1755. The class didn't start until 1830 because everyone was late. Monday we started week of prayer. Each night we have had a speaker come in and do a talk. Last night was the first English one.
Tuesday wasn't to eventful. I had folbold for extra sports. We had first aid test for lifeguard. We had to show that we knew how to do cpr on a person that had an accicdent or drowned in the pool. I had to attend the vespers it was in Danish so we had a translator. All the students kept on looking over towards us because the translator was speaking at the voice level.
Wednesday I got woken up at 230 by one of the klasse 8 boys. He had thrown up during the night all over the floor. He shares a bulk with another klasse 8 boy and sleeps on the top. When he woke me up he asked for something to clean the floor up with. I cleaned it up and got him to go back to sleep. Then at 630 I had to get up and wake the 8 and 9 klasse up so they got ready for school. I also woke the 10 klasse up to see if they were sick. None of the 10 klasse like it when I do this because their first class starts at 930 or 1015 and they always just want to sleep. Once I had done my duty in the morning I went back to bed and slept until 1130. After lunch I went out to help Leroy again on the horse fence. I drove the tractor for the first time. It is very old. Everything on it is cable, so cable brakes, clutch, etc. It is so hard to push the brake and clutch. Now I am really sore. In the evening we had a fare well dinner for Emma at you mums house. It was nice. When i got back, I was on duty. It was a late night. Once I had finished my shift I ended up watching die hard 1. It didn't finish till 300.
On Thursday I had a relaxed day and chilled out until 1430 when we had ekstra idraet(extra curricular sport). After that We had the final test for first hjaelpe or first aid. That was interesting. It was in Danish. We had the teacher translate the questions and answers for us. The test was multiple choice.
Friday was really good. We had a special service for the end of week of prayer. We had the church all lit up with candles and it looked really nice. The service was taken by a guy called Marciel from Finland. He spoke English which was excellent for me. He is Marician. After the main service the students went done to the hall in the church and they had an agape feast. While the students were there I started putting candles along the walkway to lead back to the sanctuary and turned off the lights. This made the atmosphere really nice and coming from the agape feast where it was a room with just candles lighting it made it special to walk out to the hallway that was also lit by candles. After the agape feast the students had aftenservering(supper) and could either go back into the church where they could sing a few more songs and chill out or go back to the dorm. We had quite a few students stay back. Normally they are complaining about having to go to church but this time most stayed because they wanted too. The church stayed open for the students to wander in until midnight. We had alot of them that came and prayed or talked about what they have been going through. For me this night was very long. Once I had finished all the things I had to do it was 0230. Very late.
Well that was my week last week.

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