Friday, November 30, 2007

Wk 15

Week 15.
It started with the Choir trip on the weekend like in the previous blog entry.
On Monday I was incharge of the outdoor pligt. I had changed from the drengebygning to uddør because leroy was leaving and I needed to have a new work place. I worked on the horse fence for a few hours. Its still not finished.
Tuesday I taught english. Then I did the usual things that I do like esktra idræt and then pligt. I was still learning the ropes for pligt. It was the last day for Leroy as working as a SM.
Wednesday. It was just another wednesday. Had wake up in the morning. The guys are now getting slack and didn't want to get out of bed. It's still reasonably dark now in the mornings. I had to get a few of the guys out of bed even after school had started. At 9:00, I had to drive a student to the hospital. She had fallen over on the dining hall and wanted to get her knees looked at because they were hurting a lot. We arrived at the by 9:30 and we had to wait for more than 2 hrs. After the second hour I left to go back to the school because it was taking to long. After arriving back at the school I went to get some lunch. Whilst I was eating I got a call from the student to go pick her up from the hospital. I finished my food before I left. everything was fine with her. It was just bruising. In the afternoon I had to take a guy to the doctors. Then I was on duty again at 14:30 til 00:30.
Thursday. Normally my day off. I worked in the afternoon and was on duty all night. The good thing is I got paid for working that time but it was a very long night.
Friday I cleaned out the school van and made it nice and clean for the weekend.
I was on duty this weekend.

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