Friday, October 19, 2007

Week 10 - Efteraarsferie

Friday. All the students left to go home for ferie(holidays). I also was packing my own bag to go away. I went back to Copenhagen again for the weekend. On friday it was busy with klasse 9 doing practisk and other students attending school and also packing their bags. At pligt time my guys were busily working and trying to complete their whilst other guys were walking in and out of the dorm.
At 1600 we finally locked all the doors and the last student left.
On the weekend we had 6 SM's go to Copenhagen. We all stayed at Nat's folks place. His place would not have been big enough for all of us the go. The trip to Copenhagen was a interesting. We go on the train just to find that it was absolutely full. There was people standing in the doorway and in the aisle. It was a very long trip. It takes 2 1/2 to 3 hrs but it seemed to take 4-5 hrs having to stand all the way. When we got to Fredericia we had to change trains. at this point there were even more people on the train and we were all squashed like sardines in a sardine tin.
When we got to Copenhagen we had to try and make to next train and get tickets. We had 10mins to do this. I think we just made it. If not we got the next train. It was a rush anyway.
We finally arrived at Nat's folks place at 1930. We had a quick dinner before we got back on the train and went into the city to have a look at a festival that they had on. One of the things I liked there was crate climbing. They had two big cranes that they hooked the ropes upto that were about 20-30m high.
While in the city we went for a walk through the pedestrian street and through Radhus(City hall).
We got back at around 2300.
On saturday we got up nice and early 800, to get ready for church and Sabbath School. The guy that took ss brought up some interesting things. We all had questions that we needed to answer. After lunch we sat down and went through the bible and discussed the things from sabbath school that were puzzling us. this was great. We had to stop because it was getting late and we needed to clear our heads. We stopped at 1730. We went for a walk around a lake near by. This was great we got to watch the sunset over the lake it was sooOOO B E A U T I F U L. Check out the pics. When we got back we got some tea then we got back into studying the bible and sorting out these things that were puzzling us. We did this for most of the night. We did answer the questions though.
On sunday we went down to the harbour. Nat's farfar(granddad on fathers side), needed his boat to be towed, so Nat was going to do that then we were going to go for a cruise in the harbour. When we got to the harbour Nat pointed out the window to some land on the other side and says "That over there is Sweden." I'm just like "what its that close?"
After being in the harbour for a 30mins we find out that Nat's folks boat has a flat battery, so we couldn't do anything at all at the harbour. We ended up going into the city and show the SM's that hadn't been to Copenhagen before what was there such as the Little Mermaid, Christiania, the fortified barracks and a few more things. It was a good day.
I left everyone on Sunday afternoon to come back to the school. The SM's that were still at the school were going to go to Hamburg on sunday night for a coffee and I wanted to go with them. It was great. I never knew I could just go to Germany for a Coffee. When we got there most things were closed. We found this restuarant on a lake in the centre of Hamburg. We had some food and a drink and just chatted. We returned back very early monday morning.
Since Monday I have been burning pine trees that were cut down a month ago. The school is selling the trunks but they wanted the branches to be all burnt and any other green waste they have in the area. It has taken awhile to do this but Mario and I have gotten a fair bit of it completed. We will be still doing it next week and a few more weeks after though. The rektor(principal) wanted it all to be completed this week but its not happening.

Hope you all have had a great week.

God bless.
I will add the pics tonight. I gtg burn more trees.


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