Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 9

Well this week started out by site seeing in Copenhagen like my previous post said. I was there with Crista and Daniel. They hadn't been to Copenhagen before. Nathaniel, a friend in Copenhagen allowed us to stay with him over the weekend. He also showed us around the place. Some of the things we looked at was Christiania, the Round Tower, Opera House, Queens Palace, Roseborg Slot, Spiral Tower, and a forest near Nats parents place.
In Copenhagen we walked everywhere. It is really good to go site seeing there because everything is reasonably close. We walked around 30km over the weekend.
On Monday we returned to the school. I wasn't keen to start work again in the afternoon. It wasn't as bad as I thought. This week has been 'Practisk' or Work Experience for the Kl. 9. Some of them are leaving at 0530 and I have to drop them off in Hedensted, 10 mins drive away. I have had to do this for the past 3 days and I do it tomorrow aswell.
When I arrived back at the school I was welcomed by a room that had been touched my the hand of a few female students. Check out the pics below. I had things like lipstick to eyelash curlers, Hairdryer to sanitary pads. I even had 7 g-strings with the names of the week on them. There was pink eveywhere.
I really liked what they did. It was better then what I thought they were going to do. I expected it to be trashed with more toilet paper and corn flakes all through my room.
This week has gone so quickly. It feels like I only just arrived back and now I will be on holidays tomorrow.
Hope everything is going well for you all back at home. Brad and Sharee wish you all the best in life as a newly weds.

Click here for more pics.

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