Saturday, October 06, 2007

Back in Maryland

Well I arrived in Denmark yesterday at 1300 Denmark time.
The trip over was really good. The trip on the plane was all night flying.
My trip over started with a bus ride from Canberra to Sydney. I left Canberra at 900 and arrived in Sydney at 1230. Once at the airport I had to wait until 1300 before the gate was open the start booking in. Once I walked around the airport until my flight left which was 1700.
For the full length of the trip I got an exit seat. This was very handy when I needed to stretch my legs, which was pretty much the whole flight.
The first leg of my trip was to Bangkok. This flight was 8-9hrs long. We landed in Bangkok at 2330 Thai time. This flight seemed to pass really quickly. I watched a couple of movies on this flight. I had a 1 hr stop over. We were on the same plane so I could leave my gear on board and get off if I wanted to. I did so I could get some blood circulating in my legs again and I had enough with sitting down.
On the next leg it was to London. This flight was nearly 12hrs. We boarded the plane again at 0030 for the long haul. I wasn't liking this leg because it is so long. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Since the plane I was on was a Jumbo 747 I had lots of space to walk around and I had more movies/TV shows that I could watch. I did try to get some sleep on this flight but the little I did get didn't ad up to much. We landed in London at 0600 London time. I had a 4hr stop over in London. I found the sercurity not to be to bad. It was a lot better and fairly easy to get through aslong as you had 1 bag and you weren't carrying any liquids outside of the restricted amount. The only thing I had to do that was different to any of the other airoports is I was required to take of my shoes and get them scanned. Once I got through Customs I went for a walk through the ariport to find out which gate I was meant to be boarding at. I couldn't find it. At London airport they don't tell you which gate it is until 1 hour before boarding. So i ended up going to the 'quiet room' and try to sleep. Still didn't work. I was awake and alert by then.
My final leg was to Copenhagen. This flight left at 1030 London time and arrived at 1300 Denmark time. I enjoyed this one. I got to see denmark from the sky. I got some pics of it. I had the window seat so I got to enjoy the scenery, or atleast the long white cloud that covered the North Sea and half of Denmark.
When I arrived in Copenhagen I finally got my passport stamped after not getting it stamped in Copenhagen last time. At immigration they didn't ask me what I was doing they just turned to a page in my passport and stamped it and I was in. That simple.
Once I was out of the airport I caught a trian into the city then a bus onto my friends place that I am staying with. I got there at 2pm and he wasn't home but his house mates were so I dropped my gear off and took a shower. I waited at his place until 1500 because I had to meet 3 SM's at the train station to show them how to get to the same place.
Last night we all went for a walk and drive through Copenhagen my friend(Nat) took us on a little tour. When we got back from the walk I was really stuffed. I needed sleep really badly. We got back to apartment around 0000. So by the time I got sleep I had been up for 42hrs. That was way too long. I was on my computer checking my mail and I was falling asleep. It was really bad. by 0030. I had enough and crashed.
This morning I woke up at 0900 and went for a walk around the lakes in Copenhagen.
Here are some pics of my trip over.

The plane I flew on from Syd to London

Me in Bangkok airport

Flying over Holand(i think) Somewhere between London and Copenhagen


And abit more

Smoking booth in Copenhagen airport

This is a video clip flying over Jutland(Jyland) Denmark.
The school is somewhere down there under all that cloud.

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