Tuesday, October 02, 2007

My bro's wedding

On sunday it was my bro's wedding. It was a great day. The sun was out though it was abit windy. The brides maids did find it a little cold. That was good because I was hot in the suit so I gave my suit jacket over to the maid of honour(my partner in the wedding).
On the weekend we had both relatives and the in-laws stay at my folks place. This was great because each of the familys could get to know one another. Though it did have its moments. My grandparents, aunty and cousin all arrived on friday morning. Sharees parents arrived friday evening aswell as her 2 of her friends in the bridal party. The minister that did a quick sermon also stayed at our place. On saturday sharee and brad went with sharees family to check out Floriade, a flower festival that goes for 1 month. I went to church with my mum and sis. We all met at Floriade after church for a picnic lunch. After that we had the rehearsel. That was interesting. We found out what we had to do. Practised it a few times.
On saturday night we all hang out at home and chilled out. Brad and Sharee were finalising their bags for the honeymoon. I couldn't really do much to help them. The guys watched a movie down stairs whilst I tried sleeping because I was really tired, but it was really loud and I was trying to sleep in the same room.
Sunday morning, the girls all left at 630 in the morning to go get ready, get their hair and makeup done.
I woke up as they were getting into the cars. Brad was still sleeping so he didn't see Sharee.
We got up at about 730 to organise things that had to go out to the ceremony to be setup like sound equipment. Brad left early to setup the chairs and organise a few things. I was hoping to go out with him but I needed a car to get back on monday morning. I stayed back and got ready and packed my car with the sound gear and the suits. I have never seen my car with so much stuff in it. It was chokers, but still there was somehow plenty of room for more.
Once I was packed, I finalised my speech and printed it out. Then I was off. Had to take dad into the shops to pick up his suit from the tailors, then drop him off at the car hire to pick up on of the cars. The cars were all Audi's. 2 A4's and 1 A6.
I drove out to Bungendore to the ceremony at Elmslea Homestead. When I got there I had to unpack my car and start setting up the sound system. I left that til dad arrived. He knew how he wanted it. We did everything that needed to be done and made sure it was all ready.
At 1200 Brad and a 3 of the groomsmen went into bungendore to get some food. Whilst they were there, the groomsmen saw sharee in the hairdessers shop about to leave so they told brad to stay in the shop for a few minutes whilst she got into the car to go back to the house she was getting ready at. That was a close call.
Once they got back we put the ribbon on the cars and then got into our suits.
Ten minutes before the wedding, the groomsmen and pastors had a prayer. This is when brad realised that he is really getting married. Up until then he had been all cool and relaxed but it had hit. He suddenly broke down and was crying. The nerves hit. He said it was like he was having a heartattack and couldn't breathe. This happened a few times.
The bridal party arrived on time, well I think so I wasn't to worried about the time. They started walking down the aisle. Whenit was the page boy and the flower girl turn it was interesting. The page boy didn't really know what he was doing. He is only 2. He walked straight to his mum. The flower girl also 2 walked 2 steps and dropped a handfull of flowers. When she got to the front she still had flowers in the basket she was carrying so she stood at the front and emptied the all out.
When Sharee walked down the aisle she looked amazing. Brad said that he felt like he was having a heart attack again. He was gobsmacked.

During the sermon I had to take the rings because the page boy wasn't really interested in sitting at the front holding them. The flower girl wasn't to keen to sit still either so they did their own thing.
After the ceremony the pastor got Brad and Sharee to do the wedding vows. When they put the rings on Sharee put on the wrong finger. So the pastor quickly got them to kiss to make it so that the guests didn't notice. When it came to signing brad was saying he couldn't get the ring off. It was stuck. His finger was going blue it was that tight.
Well after that everything else ran smoothly.
Brad and Sharee Nagle were introduced then we all walked out.
After it was photo time. I don't think I have smiled so much. My mouth and cheeks hurt really badly by the time it was finished.
After the photos it was time to go to the reception. This was really good. There were 101 people at the reception. They all seemed to enjoy it. all the speechs went really well. Well all of them other then mine. I lost my speech sometime during the day. I'm not sure where it got to. So mine was off the top of my head. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. I got to of the other bestmen to say something about Brad because they knew some stories that I didn't or I did but it was better for them to tell it instead of me.
The night finished at a decent hour. 2130. We had the hall all packed up by 2200.
In the morning I dropped the minister off at the bustop so he could head back home. We got the the bus station just in time. I stayed in the city to wait till the store we hired the suits from opened. I got a call from dad to mate my uncle at the airport because he had a present in the boot of his hire car. So I picked that up and talked with my uncle, whilst dad came in to drop off his hire car.
Once that was all done I finally dropped off the suits and then went home.
Now I am getting ready to pack my bags for the trip back to Denmark. I leave Australia on Thursday for a lovely long flight. I will arrive in Copenhagen on Friday and will be there for the weekend and head back to the school on Sunday or Monday.
I'll post some pics up soon once I find the camera cable.

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