Thursday, August 07, 2008

Two weeks ago I went for a cycle around the island called Fyn.
Here's a map of where I cycled.

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On the first day I rode from Vejlefjordskolen to Assens. It was an 80km ride. I went past some really nice places and landscapes. I found a very steep hill. I had no expectation to come across something like it. It we up about 70m in about 1.5km. On the first day it was very hard. I rode up part of it and walked the rest. I realised that I had packed to much stuff. Here's a few pics.

My bike all packed and ready to go.

Typical danish style buildings
View back towards the school from other side of the fjord.
Lille baelt.
One of the big bridges joining Denmark to Mainland Europe. This one joins the island Fyn to Jyland.
Denmark Pasture. They grow wheat, corn, onions, strawberries, and a few more things.
The sign says it all.
Danish state church.
Assens Harbour and Church

Day 2 - I rode from Assens to Faaborg. This was really nice. Before I left Assens I met two people that were also riding the route as me. I left first to go into town and get some food but ended up catching up with them. We cycled most of the trip together. These people were Danes, so they knew a bit about the history of different places along the way. We also went to an Inn that had some really good coffee and hot chocolate. The hot chocolate was very expensive. It cost 80kr($16AUD). It was worth it though. I stayed in Diernaes at a camping site. It was near the top of the "Fyn Alps".

Day 3 - I rode from Faaborg to Nyborg. It was such an amazing ride. I rode past Castles and Manor houses. They were so beautiful and grande. The landscape changed quite a lot along the way. First it was forest on the hillside like an escarpment. The roads winded there way through the forest. After it went to the open farming land with small hills. It was a bit the a tableland. As I got closer to the east coast, it got a hilly again then flattened out once I got to the camping ground I was staying at. Nyborg was a nice place to walk around. There is an old castle called Nyborg Slot. It was very nice to see. The city of Nyborg is mostly built in the moat created to fortify the old city. Now it's only used for fishing. I was able to walk around some of the moat. I went down to the harbour to get some food. I found 2 old sailing ships down there. They were awesome. After I had enough siteseeing, I went back to the campground and went for a swim at the beach. The water was sooooooo warm. There was a sign saying 18'c. After the swim I watched the sunset over Storbaelt. The colours of the sky were amazing.

Manor House

Before of Deer


I ate lunch out the front of this castle.

Another Castle. This is just outside of Nyborg.

Storebaelt during the day.

Danish Windmill

Old Nyborg city plan with moat.

Day 4 - I rode from Nyborg and stopped in Kerteminde for a swim and some lunch. I also went to an aquarium in Kerteminde. After lunch I rode on to Lodshuse. I was meant to take a ferry across the headlands of Odensefjord and cycle down the other side but I was late by 45mins. So, I rode back the way I came and headed off to Odense. I arrived in Odense 2hrs later then I had expected. That night I stayed with one of my friends. He took me to the Odense Zoo that evening.
Day 5 - I went sightseeing around Odense. We went to the Hans Christian Andersen museum and the house where he grow up. After lunch I took the train from Odense to Vejle and was picked up in Vejle by Mario(an SM from last year.)

More pics are at Flickr

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

New Year

Well It has been quite awhile. The new school year is starting in a week. So its time I caught up before the new students arrive.
I'll update you all by photos. They say a thousand world.

Festalavn - fancy dress
Gallafest - Formal
Rome Trip
Kite Flying
Bike ride around Fyn

Check out those pics.
More Updates to come.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hey all.
Here is a update on what I have been doing for the past month.

Wk 7 - It was school holidays. I stayed back at the school at worked. A few of the things I did were fix the curtains in the school, pick up rubbish, look after the horses. It was a very relaxing week. There was around 15 people on campus at one time. The break was short but really good.
Wk 8 - First week back to school. It started out really bad. One of the students that has been getting on my nerves had finely done it. During this week I went with the student and talked with the principal of the matter. All things were fine until I had to tell him to go the bed.
We got a new 8kl student on the first day back. He is a very quiet guy. But is now coming out of his shell and having fun. I took all the 8kl guys out to ten pin bowling. They all enjoyed themselves. Every week I take the 8kl guys out some where for team building/bonding time.
On the weekend we had an International Football Match. We had a team from Newbold College, 3 from Norway, 2 from Finland. It was a very busy weekend. I was on duty. As soon as the weekend shift started everyone that was working were on their toes either putting up the programs, moving mattresses, setting up the cafe, cleaning, etc. As the weekend went on there was lots of things to do. We did have a slow period after lunch on saturday. That was very good. enough time to recharge for the night. In the evening we started the football matchs. I spent mostof my time in the cafe helping them out. On sunday, I had wakeup. I had to go wake up all the people that had duty in the kitchen. After breakfast I was back in the cafe setting it all up again. The Football match was finished at 1pm. The school won the girls under 18 and the guys under 18. The Norwegians won the open category. In the afternoon it was time to pack up and cleanup again. It was a very busy afternoon.
Wk 9 - I spent most ofthe week trying to recover from the previous weekend. I got to take 2 english classes. One was because the teacher was sick and the opther was because they were talking about Australia and the teacher wanted me to tell the students about it. I really enjoyed telling the students about Aus. They were all interested in what I had to say. Most of them understood it also. I have got lots of pics and things that I was able to take with me and show them.
On the weekend we had a Karaoke night.We had around 40 students that stayed for it. The karaoke wasn't real karaoke. We played singstar on the playstation. All he students really enjoyed though. Nearly everyone had a go. It was so relaxing and calm. Nothing major went wrong. We had a fw people skip their kitchen duty but that is about it.
Wk 10 - After a nice relaxing weekend I was ready for a new week. The good thing was I had swapped a few shifts with the other SM's because they were away during WK9. This meant I only had one night shift. It was great.
On the weekend we had a Galla Fest or Formal. The 3g students organised and ran the event for all the students and teachers. The theme for the night was the oscars. The students handed out awards to teacher and students for different categories. I got nominated for one. This was the bamse award. I was a bit confused. Bamse in danish means teddy bear and is also the name of the school vehicle that we drive. During the week I had been set up for a blind date to the Galla. It was very interesting. I had known who my date was by she didn't. On Saturday night just before the 3g's walked into the Hall I gave a rose and a corsage. I found out that the Danes are not known for wearing a corsage and the florists don't know what they are. I got Vanessa(SM, a florist by trade) to make me one. She did a really good job. When I gave my date the flowers I said,' I believe these are for you.' Later I found out that she still didn't know that I was her date until I came and sat down next to her.
Sunday we cleaned up the hall and washed all the dishes from the galla.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Long time to type :P

Well It has been a while since I have written a blog entry. Since the last entry I have been quite busy.
Well Let me tell you what I have been doing.
I recovered from my lovely sickness I had. Charcoal does wonders. :P I can't really remember what happened that week. It seems sooo long ago. On the weekend we had Ice skating. The female SM's had all gone to the women's retreat. I was the only SM on duty that weekend. The guys helped out whenever I needed them to, which was great. I was off duty for about 5hrs out of the whole weekend though. On friday night I wrapped the head deans car in cling wrap with the help of a few other people. That was great fun. Everyone saw it in the morning and were not sure what happened.
We started a bible study group for the older guys on Monday the 14th of Jan. They all enjoy it. We have been studying topics that they chose. Some of them have been alcohol, and also prayer.
During week 3 I organised a youth Sabbath school class. The the school the students attend a talk on set topics that the teachers take. These are sometimes topics that are relevant to the students but they are not a bible class more like a small sermon. We had the first youth Sabbath school class on Saturday the 20th of Jan. We had around 10-15 students that attended. We have run SS every week. Each week it has been a different SM that has taken the lesson. We are also growing in numbers also. The age group we had attending is between 16-26. It's really good. We are getting good feedback about the class. The pastor of the church has told the Danish SDA Conference about the class and they are looking into getting the CQ lesson translated into Danish for the young people if this SS class becomes successful. Could you please pray that we can reach out to the students through the small groups and other bible studies we have running here.
Once that weekend was over I had to start thinking about Rome and packing. It was a great week. I left for Rome on the 25th of Jan departing from the school at 410 in the morning. It was very early in the morning. We arrived in Rome at 1230. we were welcomed to a very warm Rome. I was expecting it to be warmer then Denmark but not as warm as it was. When we arrived it was around 15'c compared to the -2'c that we left behind. After getting our bags we headed out to the bus that was waiting for us. the problem was it wasn't where we were told it would be. One of the teachers called the bus company and they told her that it was at the airport so she went looking. She couldn't find it at all. we waited where we were for another 20mins then we ended up moving the another spot. The bus finally came at 1400. The bus took us to our hotel we were staying in. On the way we drove past some of the famous sites in Rome like the Colosseum. We were all like tourists( oh wait we were) when we went past the Colosseum. We all jumped across the bus trying to get a pic of it.
After arriving at the hotel we were given a couple hours of free time to wonder around and get some food. I went for a walk with the guys I was living with for the week. We went to the train station and got some food there. We all met back up at 1730 and started our tour. We went one of the many churches, Republica Square, saw a couple of statues, and the Spanish Stairs also.
The next day was sabbath. We was great. We went to the place where St Paul lived, where he died and where he is buried. I really enjoyed it. It made me really think about what the apostles went through for Christ. At the place where Paul was beheaded, there were stone pictures of the way both Paul and Peter died.
One Sunday we went through a few more churches and saw a couple of other things. For me the biggest thing of the day was visiting St Peters Cathedral and the Vatican City. we got to the Vatican in time to listen to the Pope's speech. The Pope said most of it in Italian but said one part in 6 different languages such as english, german, french, latin, ?polish? and Italian. After the Pope spoke two children spoke also. we couldn't really see the pope. He was in one of the windows. I tried getting a pic of him but my camera couldn't zoom far enough in. After the speech we went into St Peters Cathedral. IT IS ENORMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOUUUUUUSSSSS. On the floor there are markings of the size of other cathedrals. None of them compare to this one. After looking on the inside we went up to the topic and walked around the inside of the dome. It was really good. When we got there , we found out that the pics on the dome were not painting but mosaics. I didn't realise they were mosaics until I was up close. We did end up going all the way to the top. It was amazing up there. you Could see over nearly all of Rome. It looked like it any way.
On Monday we went to the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. They were both amazing buildings. I really enjoyed it. Sistine Chapel is amazing. I could have spent nearly the whole day there just admiring the artwork on the walls and ceiling. In the afternoon we were allowed to roam around Rome. I ended up going shopping, well window shopping at least with some of the girls.
Tuesday. It was a very busy day. We went to the Roman Ruins from the 300BC or earlier. They was also amazing. I never thought I would ever be going there to see them myself. After we walked Through the ruins we went to the Colosseum. The Colosseum was humongous. I never expected it to be so big. Its amazing what the Romans built back then. The one thing I think about is if I was in Rome at the time that the Colosseum was built how would I bee watching the huge building being built? After the Colosseum we had a break for lunch. Crista and I went and found a grassy pack and sat and ate lunch and had a quick snooze in the sun. After lunch we went to a church from the middle ages that had been built on top of an ancient church that was also built on top of a sanctuary from way before that. We were able to go below the church and actually see the history. They had it all excavated and were still excavating it. We got to see the relics from each of the buildings that they had discovered.
Wednesday. We went and saw the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Palazzo spada, Ara Pacis, Piazza del Popolo, Monte Pincio, and Villa Borghese. It was another very busy day. Wednesday night we also we and looked at the Cemetry of the Capuchins. This was a church that had made bible scenes out of human bones. I was fine walking through it until I got to the end. There was a plaque that read 'You are what we were, we are what you will become.'
Thursday we went to visit one of the many catacombs in Rome. This was very interesting on how they buried the people of the time. This catacomb was meant to have 15-30km of pipe network underground. in the after noon we were free. I ended up doing some shopping and wander some of the streets.
Friday we all packed up and went back to the school.
We arrived back at around 2200. I was greeted to a nice messy room. Someone had decided to prank me and destroy the nice clean room I had made to arrive back too. I found out the the dean that I wrapped the car in cling wrap had come in my room and put small bits of paper and balloons everywhere but some else finished the job.
This weekend(2nd-3rd of Feb) I had weekend duty with Mario and Daniel in the guy dorm. We had lots of people on duty this weekend because it was a closed weekend and all the students were meant to be here. On saturday night we had a costume party organised by the 1g's. It was really good. They had organised games and activities for everyone to do.
Sunday I was on duty by myself for half the day. That was not fun. We had people that had duty in the morning that were not here. It didn't run to smoothly.
On Monday I attended the cell group for the older guys. They talked about prayer. This was really good to see what they thought about it.
Tuesday just another tuesday. It was busy though.
Wednesday. We had an open school for new families to come have a look at the school. The vagt that was meant to be working in the guys down had to be in the school in meetings. He had got me take responsibility for the dorm and andagt. The night went really well even though I wasn't ready for what was happening. during the day I went through all the bathrooms in the building and cleaned all the showers. They were all disgusting. Now they look a whole lot better then before but are still kinda dirty.
Thursday. Today. I went for a bike ride. The weather was excellent. All blue and sunny. I went for a long bike ride. I rode about 30km. The direction I took was along the country roads past farms and small villages.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My weekly schedule.

Well I thought I would write up what my weekly roster is. I haven't really written much up about it. So here it is.
0700 to 0800 - breakfast (I usually sleep in and miss this)
8-830 - Get ready for danish class.
845 - dainsh class.
1020 - finish danish class.
1020 - free time.
1130-1230 - lunch/meeting about friday night worships.
1230 - free time.
1630-1730 - Pligt(cleaning duties for the students)
1730 - start my shift. also dinner
1815 - andagt/evening worship and anouncements
1830-2000 - Study time
2000-2200 - Students have free time. I have to either be in the office, wandering the dorm talking to students or in Einstein. Einstein is a room for the students to hang out(play pool, fussball, buy food, watch a movie),in the basement of the guys dorm.
2230 - the 8(aged 14) grade students go to bed.
2300 - the 9(aged 15) to 1g (aged 17) grade students go to bed. These guy can take nearly 30mins to get them into bed.
Once all the guys are quiet, we right the day report.
0030 - finish my shift. Its usually at this time bit it can be at 0100 or 0130.

Now that is my mondays.

0700 to 0800 - breakfast (I miss this)
8-830 - Get ready for SM staff meeting.
835-930 - staff worship.
935-1120 - tutor students from two english classes.
1130-1230 - lunch
1230 - free time.
1415 - start my shift. Get all the guys out of the dorm for extra sports.
1430-1600 - extra sports. I am in the Hall helping out with football.
1630-1730 - pligt (cleaning duties). Since I am on duty I have to organise my pligt workers. I am incharge of the outdoor team. this means we are to keep the grounds clean and tidy.
1730-1800 - aftensmad (evening meal)
1815 - andagt/evening worship and anouncements
1830-2000 - læsetid(Study time)
2000 - I am now off duty.

Thats tuesday

630 - wakeup. This usaually ends up being 645 by the time I am up.)
645-700 - knock on all the rooms for 8-10 graders to wake them up and see if they are felling well.
0700 to 0730 - go to breakfast and mark off the guys that attend breakfast.
730-800 - run around to kick the guys that didn't attend breakfast out of bed and make sure they all attend the first class.
8-830 - Get ready for swimming class that I help out in.
845 - swimming class.
1200 - finish danish class.
1200 - lunch/freetime.
1430 - Start work. This is really good. most of the students go to town to shop so I don't really have to do much.
1430-1700 - Vejle trip
1700-1800 - Pligt(cleaning duties for the students)
1800-1830 - dinner
1830 - andagt/evening worship and anouncements
1845-2000 - Study time
2000-2200 - Students have free time. I have to either be in the office, wandering the dorm talking to students or in Einstein. Einstein is a room for the students to hang out(play pool, fussball, buy food, watch a movie),in the basement of the guys dorm.
2230 - the 8(aged 14) grade students go to bed.
2300 - the 9(aged 15) to 1g (aged 17) grade students go to bed. These guy can take nearly 30mins to get them into bed.
Once all the guys are quiet, we right the day report.
0030 - finish my shift. Its usually at this time bit it can be at 0100 or 0130.

I love thursdays. It is my day off. All I have to do that is work is pligt at 1630. This is fine for me.

Depending if I have got weekend duty or not depends of what I will do that friday.
usually I will do pligt from 1415-1515. The students that would like to go home leave on the bus at 1530 to Vejle.

Wel that is a typical week.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Schools Back.

Well it has now been a week and a half since school started. The students arrived back at school on the night of Wednesday 2rd of January. On the first couple of days there was many students. The students in 10 grade had the first two days off for læseferie(study holiday) so they were still at home. And the rest that didn't turn up were having an extra long break. I really enjoyed those days. I was still 'on holidays' but at the school taking time out to talk to the students or just spend time by myself. On the first weekend we had a pool party. All the students enjoyed it. I was going to go to it but I was on such a high on friday night that I crashed and was all depressed and just wanted to be by myself.
On sunday Leo and I went and worked on the horse fence. We have now put the whole fence up. all we need to do is put a gate up and we are finished finally. I really enjoyed that day. Leo and I mucked around a far bit between us. I was good.
Monday was my first day of official duty for the term. It was really good to get to start work again. I was ready to tackle it with everything I had. We had all the students arrive back. It was abit crazy since they all wanted to talk and tell each other what they had done over Christmas holidays. I got really sick of telling each student what I had done over the break. They were more interested in what I did rather than wanting to share what they did.
Tuesday started out all good. I did my normal thing. I started duty at 1430. I had a meeting with the principal at that time so I went there. I had requested more work. I am trying to get more work so I can go on a big trip over summer. My meeting was cut short though. One of the deans came into the principals office to tell him something. We had a student that got really angry and was walking to the nearest town to take a bus home. The dean had offered me to take his car to go get the student but I decided to ride my bike and get him. This way I could talk to him whilst we were walking. When I caught up to him, he was on his phone talking to someone. He didn't want me to be there at all. I walked behind him all the way to the bus stop and waited for him to finish his phone call or for the bus to come, which ever was first. Luckily it was the phone call that finished first. After the phone call he started walking back to the school. This was really good. I didn't have to talk him into it. The person on the phone had done that. On the way back we talked about what happened and tried to find a solution to the problem. He was all calm when we talked.
Wednesday. It was very busy. I had wakeup. After wakeup I had 30mins before I had to go to the pool and help teach swimming. I went to the pool at 830 when I had been told to be there. After waiting there for 25mins the teacher finally came down and told me that the class wasn't on because the student had a major project that they were working on for the whole week and that I'd need to come back at 1030 for another class. I did 5 hrs of extra work on wednesday. I worked for 16½ hrs.
On Thursday I was meant to go and help on of the staff to build a horse fence at his farm. When he came to pick me up, I was still in bed asleep. We didn't end up doing it because the day was miserable and raining. At 2100 I got a call from one of the female deans and was asked to drive one of the students to a city 45mins-1hr away from the school so she could visit her sister in hospital. I'm not sure what happened to the sister and why she was in hospital. We had fun trying to find the hospital though. We ended going everywhere trying to find it. we found after driving around for nearly 1hr looking for it.
Friday I spent time cleaning and doing my washing. After I had finished work I went for a swim. In the evening I did become sick and had a fever. This wasn't good.
Over the weekend I have spent most of my time in my room because of being sick. I am still trying to recover from it. Still got diarrhea. I am hoping I will get over that soon. I am feeling better then I was on Friday though which is good. I just hope I am better soon.

Frankfurt and New Years

When I got to Cerbere I was surprised. It wasn’t what I thought it was. It was a small town set on the side of a mountain looking over the Mediterranean. I expected it to be a descent sized place because it was a border town for France and Spain. It was really small but very nice. While I was in Cerbere I got something for dinner before I headed back to the station. I had gotten to Cerbere 4hrs before my train left to go to Mulhouse. Since Cerbere wasn’t as big as I thought I sat in the station for 2½ hours waiting patiently. When the train finally came I was really happy. I had enough of Cerbere. When I got on the train I found out that I had a seat rather then a sleeper. I hadn’t slept in the car on the train yet. It was really comfy. That night I kinda slept. It wasn’t enough though. In the morning I got off at Mulhouse. I didn’t see anything other then the station. I had enough time to hop one train and on the next. That was fine I really wanted to go to the next city. It was Basel. Basel is a border town between France, Germany and Spain. I didn’t leave the station here but it now means I have been to Switzerland. YEAH. SWITZERLAND. :P While I was in the station I went to a shop and got myself a Swiss beany and I also got a Switzerland Scarf for Leo. He is Swiss and wanted a Swiss flag but his little brother has it on his wall. My next train was to Frankfurt. That was a really good train to go on. It’s a speed train, very fast and nice.

I arrived in Frankfurt at 1330. When I got there I went straight to the hostel I was staying in. Frankfurt I found was really good to walk through. It was spread out but all the museums seemed to be really close to each other. When I got to the hostel I found I had 30mins to wait before the rooms were open for new bookings. I sat in the hostel and waited until they were open. Once I was booked in and in my room, I stayed in and watched a movie. I was really stuffed and was sick of sightseeing. I did end up going out later to get some food but that was it.

In the morning I was up at 0330 to get my next train. It left at 0500 from the Frankfurt main station and I had to get there. I walked to the closest metro and got on it. It was a 15 min walk and a 10 min train ride. That was really good I thought. When I got to the station I went and got a quick bite to eat before hoping on. My next train took me to Hamburg. The train ride to Hamburg went really quickly and really good. When I got to Hamburg, I had 5 mins to find my next train and get on it. I just made it. This train was the train to Vejle. It was just another 4-5hrs before I was going to be at the school. When I got to Vejle I had to wait for 20mins for my next train to Hedensted. I was feeling a bit impatient by then waiting at different trains for so long I was glad I had only 30 mins before I was going to be at the school again. When the train came I was really happy. It was a 10 min ride on the train to Hedensted. Not long now. The train ride was really good. It went past the fjord and then up into the countryside before I got off. I really missed the fjord. It’s like home. And I know when I see it it’s not far to go.

When I got to the station I looked out for Bamse. It was nowhere to be seen. I was sure it would be there waiting for me. It wasn’t. I gave Leo a quick call just to find out where it was. Crista had taken it but was going to be back in a few minutes. It’s not far from the school to Hedensted so I was happy to wait even though it was freezing cold and windy. I think the wind chill was colder then the temperature. When Daniel picked me up he said it was 4’c but I swear it felt more like -2. I guess that was just the wind.

When I got back to the school, I unpacked my bag, did my washing and got something to eat before tidying my room up. I finally stopped at about 1730 when Leo and I went to get some pizza for dinner. It was really good after eating on the cheap and only eating bread and water at some stages of the trip.

In the morning I was woken up by my alarm at 0545 because I had another early train to catch. This one was to Copenhagen. I hit a button on my watch hoping to put it on snooze but I ended up turning it off. This wasn’t good. At 0600 Leo came into my room and went ‘aren’t you meant to be up and ready to leave?’. I was glad he came in I was dead asleep when he came in. I got up and chucked some clothes on and grabbed my bags and walked out the door. We were on our way to Vejle station at 0610. This was still good. I had 35mins before the train arrived.

On the trip to Copenhagen, I had planned to write a bit about my trip so far. It didn’t happen. I got about 20mins of writing done before I fell asleep. I slept for most of the trip. When I woke up I was about 20mins outside of Copenhagen.

When I got to Copenhagen, I had to find my way to the hotel that Crista and her parents were staying. There we waited for Nat to come. Nat came and picked us up. He took us for a drive around Copenhagen showing us a few things. Really he was showing Crista’s parents because Crista and I had both seen it before. It’s still good to see it again. That evening Nat and I headed back to his place at around 2230. When we got there Nat’s house mates were about to watch a movie so we both joined them. I didn’t understand what I saw. The movie was in Swedish I think or at least a language that I didn’t understand and that required Danish subtitles. The dvd didn’t have English subtitles so I had to try and read the Danish ones and understand what it was saying. Not the best thing to do. I ended up falling asleep and missed most of that movie. We all ended up going to bed at around 0030-0100.

I slept in abit longer then I thought I would have but I guess my body really needed it. No, I know my body really needed it. During the day we all just chilled out. At 1400 I sent sms’s to everyone in Aus to wish them all a happy new years. I also called my family. I started to get ready for new years at 1600. Nat and I went to a party at one of his friends places. It was really good there. We sat back relaxed, listened to music and had dinner. Some of the things that are traditions for New Years in Denmark that we did were watch the Queens Speech, also watch this old tv show. The Queens Speech I didn’t understand because it was in Danish but like the night before I tried to read the subtitles that they had. One of the things I understood was really funny. The Queen made a mistake in her speech. She said something about thanks for a great year in 2006 and may 2008 be just as great or something like that. The funny thing was the 2006. On the subtitles it said 2007 and she said 2006. All of us cracked up with laughter at it. This was a national broadcast. The Queen must have been so embarrassed. I would have been. At midnight we all stood up and celebrated New Years with a glass of Champagne. Well everyone else did. I celebrated with a glass of cider. Close enough. After we went outside and set off fireworks. It was amazing. Nothing like in Australia. This was fireworks that were just about commercial size well it looked like it. There were boxes of 20-40 shots in them going off everywhere around us, and big rockets. It was amazing. I have a video of it that I’ll post up on the net for ya’s to see. After we chilled out and played a few games and listened to music. Nat and I ended up leaving at around 0500. We headed to his folks place because Nat’s place had a whole heap of people sleeping over and there wasn’t going to be enough room for us. We got to his folks place at 0600 I think it was. When I got there we crashed down stairs in the rumpus room.

When we finally woke up it was 1400. It didn’t feel like it though. I thought it was morning. We got up and headed to the station to go back to Nats place. When we got there we sat back and chilled out some more and tried not sleeping. At around 1900 we went for a walk to wake up a little. When we got back we put a movie on. This movie I understood. It was in English. We went to sleep once it was finished. This was around 2230-2300. In the morning I woke up at 1130. I missed half the day. That wasn’t good but it happens when you’re tired.

When I woke up I surfed the net and talked to some people on msn. That was good catching up and finding out what they had been doing over Christmas and New Years. I left Copenhagen at 1630 to head back to the school.

When I get back to the school my trip will finally be finished. No more tripping around Europe for a few more months. Let’s see how the money goes before I go again.

Hope you all have had a great break.