Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My weekly schedule.

Well I thought I would write up what my weekly roster is. I haven't really written much up about it. So here it is.
0700 to 0800 - breakfast (I usually sleep in and miss this)
8-830 - Get ready for danish class.
845 - dainsh class.
1020 - finish danish class.
1020 - free time.
1130-1230 - lunch/meeting about friday night worships.
1230 - free time.
1630-1730 - Pligt(cleaning duties for the students)
1730 - start my shift. also dinner
1815 - andagt/evening worship and anouncements
1830-2000 - Study time
2000-2200 - Students have free time. I have to either be in the office, wandering the dorm talking to students or in Einstein. Einstein is a room for the students to hang out(play pool, fussball, buy food, watch a movie),in the basement of the guys dorm.
2230 - the 8(aged 14) grade students go to bed.
2300 - the 9(aged 15) to 1g (aged 17) grade students go to bed. These guy can take nearly 30mins to get them into bed.
Once all the guys are quiet, we right the day report.
0030 - finish my shift. Its usually at this time bit it can be at 0100 or 0130.

Now that is my mondays.

0700 to 0800 - breakfast (I miss this)
8-830 - Get ready for SM staff meeting.
835-930 - staff worship.
935-1120 - tutor students from two english classes.
1130-1230 - lunch
1230 - free time.
1415 - start my shift. Get all the guys out of the dorm for extra sports.
1430-1600 - extra sports. I am in the Hall helping out with football.
1630-1730 - pligt (cleaning duties). Since I am on duty I have to organise my pligt workers. I am incharge of the outdoor team. this means we are to keep the grounds clean and tidy.
1730-1800 - aftensmad (evening meal)
1815 - andagt/evening worship and anouncements
1830-2000 - læsetid(Study time)
2000 - I am now off duty.

Thats tuesday

630 - wakeup. This usaually ends up being 645 by the time I am up.)
645-700 - knock on all the rooms for 8-10 graders to wake them up and see if they are felling well.
0700 to 0730 - go to breakfast and mark off the guys that attend breakfast.
730-800 - run around to kick the guys that didn't attend breakfast out of bed and make sure they all attend the first class.
8-830 - Get ready for swimming class that I help out in.
845 - swimming class.
1200 - finish danish class.
1200 - lunch/freetime.
1430 - Start work. This is really good. most of the students go to town to shop so I don't really have to do much.
1430-1700 - Vejle trip
1700-1800 - Pligt(cleaning duties for the students)
1800-1830 - dinner
1830 - andagt/evening worship and anouncements
1845-2000 - Study time
2000-2200 - Students have free time. I have to either be in the office, wandering the dorm talking to students or in Einstein. Einstein is a room for the students to hang out(play pool, fussball, buy food, watch a movie),in the basement of the guys dorm.
2230 - the 8(aged 14) grade students go to bed.
2300 - the 9(aged 15) to 1g (aged 17) grade students go to bed. These guy can take nearly 30mins to get them into bed.
Once all the guys are quiet, we right the day report.
0030 - finish my shift. Its usually at this time bit it can be at 0100 or 0130.

I love thursdays. It is my day off. All I have to do that is work is pligt at 1630. This is fine for me.

Depending if I have got weekend duty or not depends of what I will do that friday.
usually I will do pligt from 1415-1515. The students that would like to go home leave on the bus at 1530 to Vejle.

Wel that is a typical week.

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