Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wk 18

Well since Sunday I have been busy relaxing and chilling out. This week all I feel like I have done is watch movies.
On Sunday I watched a couple of movies and had time to myself.
On Monday I did wakeup. Leo was in Copenhagen visiting family so I did his morning shift for him. The rest of the day wasn't to eventful. Just another Monday.
Tuesday. I didn't have a staff meeting so I got to sleep in. In the afternoon I had to get 2 girls out of the girls dorm because they were trying to skip esktra idræt. I finally got to ekstra idræt with 10mins left. At 1830 I went to Bilka(kinda like K-Mart and Coles put together). I bought some new jeans and some presents for my nisse(secret santa). This was the first time I got them something even though it had been going on for a week. I made a big bag of chocolates and plant. At 2100 Crista an d I made pancakes for the guys in 9C class. This was really good.
On Wednesday, I missed dansk lektion again. I got to sleep in because Leo did my morning shift. It was another uneventful day.
Thursday, was my day off. I slept in until 1120. Just in time for lunch. Then I didn't do much just lazied around. In the after noon I decorated my nisse's desk it christmas balls and hid chocolates through their desk.
Friday, I drove to Vejle and picked up a parcel of food from this guy that sells food from other countries. I got myself some cadbury chocolate and Milo. I was on weekend duty so I had a late night.
Sorry that there isn't much to read this week. I am very tired because I was up very late last night. Hope you all have a happy sabbath.

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