Sunday, December 09, 2007

Week 17

Well this week started with Juletur on the weekend. This was really fun. It was a bit like the kortur(choir tour) but it was with pathfinders.
On friday we left the school on a large double decker bus and went to himmerlandsgården. We we got there i had to find where I was meant to be sleeping. I found out I was in a cabin. After sorting out our gear we had dinner and then evening worship. All the guys in VHS8, the club I went with, had opvask (dish washing duties) on friday night. After thae worship we had supper and then the younger kids went out and did a night activity. I ended up staying and talked with someone the other people.
On Saturday I got woken up by water thrown on my face. It wasn't nice. It went into my ear. When I finally got up I realised I had missed breakfast and that church had started. After church I hang around and chilled out. At around 1530 I got asked if I could help make some lolly bags. I did help make them. I also ended up helping out with setting the hall up for the night. We had a big christmas dinner. We decorated the dining hall with all christmas things. The dinner went really well. The food was good too. The main course was whole peeled potatoes with gravy and potatoes that had been cooked in brown sugar I think it was and a nutloaf. I ate the potato and gravy and nutloaf. The sugary potatoes are not quite my thing. For dessert with had ris a l' amande which is rice cream with almonds and they put a cherry sauce on the top. It's not sweet like our rice cream in Aus. Well the stuff I make but it is good. The danes have this as a traditional dessert and that hide a whole almond in the rice. The person that finds that almond gets a present, so people eat it to find it. After the dinner we cleared all the tables and started playing games and dances. One of the things that I enjoyed was this story. People were pulled out and used top act out the story. None of the people chosen knew what the story was about. It was great to watch. I had to be part of it. I was a whale. All the people watching really enjoyed themselves having a good laugh. The games went all night. I ended up calling it quits at 0130.
Sunday we tidied and packed up. When we got back to the school I chilled out and lazied around.
Monday I woke up late and missed Danish class. In the evening I wasn't on duty till 1800. This was good gave me more time to do things that I needed to do.
Tuesday, just another Tuesday. Woke up and went to my staff meeting. Then I had my two english classes. The first one I had to tutor two 9th graders. In the second one I watched a movie with the 6th graders. In the evening we had a conflict with two of the students. They weren't respecting myself and one of the other sm's. We sat down with the head dean and talked to the students about how they were disrespecting us.
Wednesday I woke the students up. After wake up I went to danish. It was really good. We talked about the danish christmas traditions. After danish I was going to go work on the horse fence but it was a miserable day. I ended up doing something else. Can't remember what it was though. Probably just hang around in my room. I went back on duty at 1430. I hang around in my room and also talked with some of the students that didn't go on the Vejle trip. I was on duty until 0030. It was a late night.
Thursday. I drove a student into Vejle at 730 to another school so she could do her science experiment. When I got back i went to work on the fence. By the time I had got the tractor and checked that it had deisel and it had enough oil it was 920. I had Leo and Daniel helping work on the fence. We got all the posts in now all we need to do is put on all the hooks that the fence wire goes through then it will be all finished. We finished working on the fence at 1430, in time for ekstra idræt. After aftensmad two of the 8th graders didn't want to go to andat(evening worship) and Daniel found them in their wardrobe. We took their computers off them. One of them didn't like the punishment that we had given them and he disrespected me by swearing at me. It was a fun night for the head dean on duty that night.
Friday. I woke up at 1000 and went to take my washing down to the laundry when one of the guys comes up to me and asks who is driving him to the doctors. I said that Mario was but I found out that Mario was sick and unable to drive. I ended up driving him and I drove for the rest of the day. I drove for about 5 hrs between the school and the doctors or Vejle. That wasn't to bad. I got paid to do it. The only thing is I didn't get to do what I had organised for my self to do. that night once I finished driving I had a big headache. I must have just been really tired. I ended up going to bed at 530 after aftensmad and tried to sleep. I ended being sick and took some panadol to relieve the pain. I got to sleep. I slept for about 14hrs.
On Saturday I called home and talked to my sister for the first time in 2 months. It was really good to catch up and see how she was going. I also talked to my mum told her about my plans for Christmas. After I called my parents I got ready for church. i went the church in Vejle. It was really good. I went with one of the staff and his family. It gave me time away from the school and allowed me to see some new faces. When we came back the family invited me over for lunch at their house. I really liked that. It was 1530 before I got back to the school. When I did I hang in my room for a little while. I had some visits from a few students and a few sm's. The program for the night was a Christmas concert. The high school choir, the little choir and the primary school choir all sang and performed during the program. After the program I hang out with some of the students in my room and we watched some movies.
Sunday, well that's today. I have been writing the blog uploading photos onto facebook and watched a movie.
Hope everyone is having fun. Hope Christmas is goes great for you all.

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